digging up the bodies of America's dead celebrities? Whip-smart
heroine Nina Zero plunges into events so bizarrely violent they
could only happen in LA.
A death in the family reunites ex-con turned
paparazza Nina Zero with her long lost sister, who now touts herself
as a successful real estate agent from Seattle. Who cares if the
sister looks like she's lived a life as battered and fake as the
designer-brand luggage she totes? With an abusive father and sweet
but distant mother, Nina has been estranged from her family for
so long she's happy to have a relative she can talk to.
And Nina is too busy to question her sister's tale,
because an altercation with a has-been Hollywood action hero leaves
her with a concussion, two broken cameras, and a hot lead in the
grandmother of all tabloid stories - the mysterious thefts of
celebrity bones from graveyards around the country. Are the bone-robbers
kids playing games with the devil; cult scientists intent on cloning
dead movie stars; or members of the Church of Divine Thespians,
a shadowy Hollywood sect that may be plotting unholy ritual? In
the world of tabloid reporting, the impossible is not only possible,
it's required.
Not being famous is worse than being dead in
Hollywood, where the bones of dead celebrities are literally worth
killing for. Murder follows an unexpected betrayal, and Nina's
quest for the grave robbers twists from tabloid assignment to
a personal vendetta that matches her camera against their guns,
shot for shot.
With her sidekick Frank - a slovenly assassin
of celebrity reputations - and her beloved, toothless Rottweiller
in tow, Nina returns to the page in an emotionally riveting tabloid
thriller fit to please her own cultish following.
Eversz nails L.A., getting all the details right - both the
place and its inhabitants. Digging James Dean is a
solid mystery that builds high octane suspense from intriguing
local lore. Best of all, it’s a chance to spend time with
Nina Zero, an engaging and refreshingly original character,
as sharp as the edge on which she lives."
Burke, Edgar® - winning author of Bloodlines and Nine |